White Days Project

“Friends to Friends” International Seyyid Burhaneddin Symposium
30 September 2011
7th “Friend” Awards for Service to Islam
13 February 2011
In order to express our sorrow and pain over the killing of civilians, especially children, in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, and with the hope that the dark days covering the Middle East will be illuminated as soon as possible, a series of activities under the name of "White Days" were carried out.
These activities are strictly humanitarian and not political.
1. Stands were set up and white ribbons were distributed at the main points (Taksim, Kadıköy, Bağdat Street) in Istanbul.
2. White balloons were flown over the Bosphorus on a motorboat trip. This activity was repeated for two weeks, once every week.
3. Press work was carried out and we worked together with the press.
4. A group of children and young people marched to the Lebanese Consulate and laid a wreath of white flowers.
5. Giant "White Days" posters were hung in Taksim Square.
6. An internet portal was prepared and a "Call for White Days" was made and relevant articles from academics were published in English and Turkish.
7. A group of children and young people 4. They marched from Levent to the Israeli Consulate wearing white T-shirts and carrying white balloons and flags with white emblems "for peace".